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Rapid Action Team Results

Improving Safety with Rapid Action Tools

Lean Six Sigma
A Fortune 500 paper manufacturer was struggling with safety. While their safety scores were above minimal tolerances, they were consistently lagging behind industry standards with respect to accident prevention.


A lack of accountability for following safety rules was contributing to safety incidents and poor safety performance on the shop floor. In addition, the standard process for auditing safety was cumbersome. Something had to change.

Team Engagement Strategy

Launch a Rapid Action Team to engage shop floor employees to address the problem. Rapid Action provides small teams of employees with a structured process for solving problems through teamwork and collaboration, resulting in increased buy-in and ownership for change.

Rapid Action Project Charter

How can we improve the departmental safety audit and inspection process in order to proactively identify and correct unsafe work practices, hazardous conditions and noncompliance.

Sample Solutions Implemented

  1. Created a rotating audit team responsible for internally auditing necessary systems.
  2. Streamlined the audit process and developed standardized safety audit forms.
  3. Standardized the frequency of audits.
  4. Assigned a person to each area of the mill with the responsibility for safety improvements to increase accountability.
  5. Developed go-to standards for documenting and processing audit results.

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